Thursday, January 13, 2011

Travnik at dusk

Our way back from Vlašić to Sarajevo leads us through historic and charming town Travnik, a birth place of novelist Ivo Andrić who was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

When ever my husband and I pass by Travnik we always drop in the place called “Šumeća” named after a creek “Šumeće”, which name is associated with murmur of water. The other name for this place and not any less known, is “Plave vode” (Blue Waters) but I don’t know why because the water is more white than blue; it is sparkling because of its small rapids.

There is a small restaurant in this place called “Lutvina kahva” (Lutvo’s coffee) where we use to eat “ćevapčići” (small grilled meatballs) and then to enjoy in a coffee while listening to the gurgle of water. This small restaurant was visited by Rudolf Habsburg in June 1887 on his way around Bosnia. On that occasion he left a goldfinch for exceptionally delicious coffee. It is said that the owner kept the goldfinch years later in a special showcase along with a little coffee pot and a coffee cup from which a magnificent prince drank. The original owner and builder long, long time ago was a man named Lutvo. He surely didn’t have a clue that his cafe would survive till today. This place is really refreshing in hot summer days but it also has its charm in the winter.

These photos show how I saw this place at dusk on the foggy January.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vlašić Mountain

Second day of January was foggy in the city so my husband and I decided to run away to Vlašić Mountain to enjoy the sun and fresh mountain air. But, to our surprise it was foggy up there too. All the beauty of this really beautiful mountain was hidden by the fog. I hoped to show you some of that beauty; but, maybe some other time.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Meeting of blogging friends

Yesterday I had a great pleasure to meet my blogging friend Arba who lives in an island Rab in Croatia. This was the first time for me to see any of my blogging friends in private and I can say that it is very exciting and interesting experience. She came with her family several days ago to spend their winter vacation in Jahorina Mountain. Yesterday she visited old part of Sarajevo where we met after my working hours and had our first coffee together. Arba is beautiful young lady and a mother of two sweet little girls. I am sorry that we couldn’t spend some more time together but little girls got tired so they had to go back to Jahorina.

Not only Arba is beautiful and friendly but also she is a creative, so kind and thoughtful person. She surprised me with beautiful gift she brought for me. As you can see in the photos , that is beautiful wooden box that she decorated in decoupage technique. She knew that I love the floral motifs. Isn’t it wonderful! There were shells and little stones in the box which she had collected on the beach with one of her sweet little daughters. This way she brought me the smell of the sea which I can feel only once a year during my summer holiday. In addition, I also was so glad to get lovely embroidered greeting card which is a handiwork of Benedictines of island of Rab.

Dear Arba, thank you one more time for the time we spent together and for really wonderful gifts that means me a lot.

Juče sam imala veliko zadovoljstvo da se vidim sa Arbom, mojom blog frendicom koja živi na otoku Rabu. Ovo je bio prvi put da uživo vidim nekog od mojih blog frendova i mogu vam reći da je to jako uzbudljivo i interesantno iskustvo. Prije nekoliko dana je došla sa svojom porodicom da provedu zimski odmor na Jahorini. Juče je posjetila stari dio Grada gdje smo se srele poslije mog radnog vremena i popile našu prvu zajedničku kaficu. Arba je predivna mlada dama i majka dvije preslatke djevojčice. Žao mi je što nismo mogle provesti više vremena zajedno, ali su se curice već umorile tako da su se morali vratiti na Jahorinu.

Arba nije samo lijepa i prijatna nego i kreativna, ljubazna i pažljiva osoba. Iznenadila me prekrasnim poklonom koji mi je donijela. Kao što možete vidjeti na fotografijama, to je predivna drvena kutija koju je sama dekorisala u decoupage tehnici. Znala je da volim cvijetne motive. Zar nije predivna? U kutijici su bile školjke i mali kamenčići koje je sakupila na plaži sa jednom od svojih slatkih kćerkica. Na ovaj način mi je donijela mirs mora koji mogu osjetiti samo jednom godišnje za vrijeme mog ljetnog odmora. Pored toga, obradovala sam se i predivnoj vezenoj čestitci koju su ručno izradile Benediktinke otoka Raba.

Draga Arba, još jednom ti hvala za vrijeme koje smo provele zajedno i za stvarno predivne poklone koji mi puno znače.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy new beginning

May 2011 bring you joy and happiness