Little bouquet
My dear blog friends I really appreciate the time you take to visit my blog; I would like to thank you all for that and for your comments which always make my day.
This little bouquet of various flowers is for you all. I bought it yesterday on my way home from a woman who sold it in the street. She had a carton full of little bouquets. That was a beautiful sight for me and I was sorry that my camera wasn’t at me at the moment.
Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
thank you! wonderful colours in those folwers! i hope you collected the award on my page.
Thank you.
This is one of the kindest ideas I ever seen...
You must be a special person.
Thanks for the flowers, very kind of you!
Thanks for the beautiful flowers! I am glad to have you as a blogging friend!
Thanks, what beautiful flowers! Also thanks for your kind comments on my blog.
I love this arrangement. Very colourful. To me flowers are like angels smiling.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and your kind comments. Drop by again!
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
The Goddess In You
Oh my, thank you, those are beautiful. What a way to brighten a day. The colors are so vibrant and put a smile on my face! You are so thoughtful!!!
Thanks MedaM
What a nice thought. Hope you alsohad a great weekend
Thank you Medam! These are beautiful!
What a bright way to great a day! Wonderful flowers and thanks for all your visits too.
Medam, you are so nice and thank you too, these are so beautiful. Thanks again, Anna :)
Thank you for the bouquet of flower it is really very beautiful
Blago meni sto imam tako talentovanu i lijepu tetku...hvala za sve ove slike, svaka od njih ima neku emociju i nosi neku poruku!Nastavi tako, volim te!
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