Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lilly and a bee


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I enlarged to see the bee better and found the pretty little yellow stems in the lily. did you get a new camera? these macros are wonderful.

D said...

MedaM, the flowers and photos are beautiful and delicate, and in the prior post, the green on the fly is so reflective! very nice.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Hi Meda, such beautiful shots of this Lily with the bee at work. I noticed the pollen on her leg as she is collecting. We have two hives on a house wall of a tiny native bee which is stingless. It is such a pleasure to see your photographic art.
Thank you so much for your comments; it is lovely to hear from you. Yes, I always thought the summers in Europe a bit short and at the end of August I would always be a bit sad! But autumn is beautiful too and also winter has its merits and also beauty. Have a lovely weekend.T.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Meda, these are beautiful macros. You captured the little bee going about her work perfectly. She is lovely.

Joe said...

Beautiful shots Meda.

Lisa Petrarca said...

INCREDIBLE shots! What type of lens did you take these with?

BaysideLife said...

Great captures. I love that we can see the pollen on its legs and abdomen.

wv: prusit: this critter is in pursuit of pollen.

S. Etole said...

These are so delicate ... you can almost feel the petals.

Pietro Brosio said...

Very beautiful images, I enjoy them, Medam. You've photographed so well the bee on the flower.

Joop Zand said...

Goodmorning Meda

These pictures are so BEAUTIFUL,
thanks for sharing them with us.

have a nice day.

regards, Joop

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Meda, to block that follower, go to your dashboard. look at the top right where you see a little green man looking thing and beside it says how many followers. click on the green icon, it opens, click on the follower you want to block picture, screen comes up and a link about 4 lines down says block this follower.

Viola said...

So beautiful the lilly and the bee! :) Now the bees here has fisappeared.. maybe they have gone to their winter caves.. or houses.. ;) Hava a nice weekend! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Meda, I saw on Sandra's blog you want to remove a blog from your reading list.

On your dashboard look down at the reading list of blog updates. On the left hand side is the full list of blogs you follow. At the bottom of the list it says Manage. Click on manage and you can delete any blog you like.

MedaM said...

Dear Sandra thanks to your instructions I managed to delete unwanted follower. Thank you very, very much.:-))

SquirrelQueen, I didn’t want delete any blog I follow but one follower on my blog because of extremely objectionable content of his/her blog. But I appreciate your friendly support anyway. :-))