Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Autumn colors in the mountains


Joop Zand said...

Beautiful colors and a nice landscape Meda.

greetings, Joop

Flor said...

Beautiful autumn colors.
Nice photos.


Anonymous said...

Nije mi htjelo prihvatiti komentar, ali vratila sam se:)
Ove tvoje prekrasne fotografije podsjećaju me na Gorski kotar,baš kao da su tamo snimljene. Divne tople boje, mir i spokoj, sve pohvale, imaš oko i osiječaj za trenutak.

Velika pusa.

Pietro Brosio said...

Really beautiful autumn landscapes, Medam. I enjoy these nice pictures!

Trotter said...

Hi Medam! Fabulous colours!!!

After four posts, Blogtrotter Two is leaving Algiers 2009... Enjoy and have a great week ahead!

Arija said...

Your autumn landscapes are so delicate and muted in comparison to the bright maples and Rhus of N.America, The gentle ochres of birch and russets of beech are lulling nature into her winter sleep just like a baby in a rocking crib. Beautiful pictures.

Thank you dear Meda for your very beautiful and perceptive comment. You are quite right, what I say, I mean from the heart.

Hugs and Blessings . . . Arija

Unknown said...

beautiful autumn colors. We see scenes like this around Atlanta Georgia when we go to visit our cousin.
I also love the "Foggy Saturday Morning" photos.

BaysideLife said...

Beautiful. Makes you want to snuggle up by a fire with a cup of hot chocolate.

Viola said...

Oh so great to watch those lovely Autumcolors here!! :) Have you really got so many colors just this time? Here the trees stand naked now.. I just discovered all the leaves had gone, yesterday, from my windows.. :)

MedaM said...

Viola, I took these photos on Sunday 31/10,on the Igman mountain. It was more beautiful than I could show through my photos.

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Beautiful photos. I miss living near the mountains and watching the colors and than the snow move down the mountains. Thanks for sharing and bringing back delightful memories for me.
Johnina :^A

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a perfect tall green tree in the middle of the color. the contrast of bright green evergreen with the color is magnificent to me. the road I would love to travel

Judy said...

Glorious autumn colours! Sure looks like you had a good day admiring the countryside!

Joe said...

Love the mountain pics!!

Talibra said...

Piękne kolory, pozdrawiam :)