Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Swan on the pond


Anonymous said...

Prekrasan labud i fotografije Meda!

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Mm, so beautiful swan.. all seems to be very cold there..

Joe said...

Beautiful setting!

Kat_RN said...

It looks so lovely and peaceful. Great photos!

S. Etole said...

Such stately beauty.

Unknown said...

These photos are so beautiful, the swan in a snowy setting is fantastic. I love photos of the snow but don't think I want to live in it. My Sister lives in Wisconsin,and they are experiencing blizzard conditions right now.

Lisa Petrarca said...

What a find! How serene yet beautiful...this should be framed!


Arija said...

Abject apologies Meda, I have missed so many of your super-beautiful post right down to when there were still raindrops to photograph.
It was totally unintentional as my feeder again
neglected to tell me of a new post.

Your winter morning and swans on the lake are just incredibly beautiful. Where will the swans go when the water freezes over?

It took me back to y refugee days in Germany. In the little town of Landau there also was a swan lake with an island for them to nest on. When it was frozen over, the local children skated there. How I wished for a pair of skates too.... bitter-sweet memories of constant fear and hunger as well as the incredible beauty of nature.

Thank you my dear for this great treat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the close up views of your wonderful swan. i could see him at a distance in your other post, this shows him in all his beauty. somehow i never thought of swans in ice covered water, I learn things every day

arba said...

Ja se stalno vraćam na ove prekrasne slike...ne mogu ih se nagledati. Hvala za ovu ljepotu.

arba said...

Draga Meda, jesi li ovo slikala u Sarajevu ili okolici?? Možda me možeš uputiti na koju dobru lokaciju jer ove zime putujemo za Jahorinu a namjeravam obići i Sarajevo..nikad još nisam bila..nadam se da ću stići ponešto vidjeti...a možda možemo i kavicu popiti...

MedaM said...

Draga Arba, naravno, baš bi bilo dobro da se vidimo. Ovo jeste u Sarajevu. Mogu te čak i odvesti u ovaj park, koji je u stvari naš mini ZOO, a zove se Pionirska dolina. :-)

Catherine said...

Such a graceful and beautiful bird ~ and surrounded by the white snow ~ magical!

Such wonderful photos MedaM!
xo Catherine

myonlyphoto said...

They are such a graceful birds Medam. Thank you for beautiful images.
Anna :0