Monday, April 25, 2011

Apple blossoms


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful blossoms. the blooms look a lot like our dogwood blossoms, but they have no fruit. in the area of the US that I live we can't grow apples, only citrus like oranges and grapefruit. apples will not grow here

Catherine said...

Mmmmm..... I bet these smell good!

Happy Monday!
xo Catherine

Talibra said...

Kwitnące jabłonie to piękny widok :)

Tatjana said...

Sretan Uskrs Meda(malo kasnim).Ovi cvijetovi su divni,boje prekrasne.
I puno ti hvala na lijepim komentarima.Pozz,

myonlyphoto said...

Medam these are beautiful as always. We don't have spring yet, but the grass is slowly turning green. Hope all is well. Anna :)

Ruth Hiebert said...

You have captured these in all their beauty.I love the delicate beauty seen here.

Viola said...

So happy you are back again! :) And without me knowing.. ;) So many beautiful posts from the Spring time!
Apple blossoms already.. lovely! :) I enjoyed all your pictures!

Have a nice time! :)

Andrea said...

A Promise for a Future of Abundance,
isn't it?
When I see flowers from Fruit Trees,this is what I think...

Judy said...

I love apple blossoms - the way the pink buds open into white flowers, with just a hint of the pink remaining!

Pietro Brosio said...

So pretty and delicate. I enjoy all the nice sequence, Medam, very beautiful the last image with those red petals.

Nely said...

Prekrasni cvjetovi,zaista uživanje u njihovoj ljepoti:)

photowannabe said...

Isn't Spring wonderful? Your apple blossoms are beautiful. They make me feel happy.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful macro shots Meda. The apple blossoms are one of my favorite signs of spring and yours are so lovely.

I have been so busy and have gotten way behind on visiting everyone too. Hopefully I can stay caught up for awhile. I have missed your beautiful photos.

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics. Happy to have found your blog!

Anonymous said...

Prelijepe fotografije Meda!
Pusa i lijep pozdrav.

LR Photography said...

Wonderful Meda!

Flor said...

All the blossoms are beautiful.

Unknown said...

The apple blossomis oneofthe mostbeautiful flowers I've ever seen.

Judy said...

That last shot is my favourite!!! Just gorgeous!