Friday, January 8, 2010

Dance performance


Andrea said...

I like so much this kind of shots

Sunny said...

This is truly a wonderful picture!
Sunny :)

Xavi said...

Fantastic motion picture, but the Nikon makes the photos more clearly.
Have a happy weekend, Meda.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

what a great capture of the duck...can even see the ice on its beak!
happy weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

his beak and webbed feet are so bright and orange. I imagine his feet are cold standing on that ice. I like shots of birds with their wings in the air.

Phoenix said...

Draga moja,u zadnje vrijeme sam imala jako malo vremena tako da sam zapostavila meni drage blogove...Sad sam prešla tvoje zadnje postove i zaista sam oduševljena...Ma...takve divne momente u prirodi može da vidi samo kreativna duša...Predivne slike...
Moja malenkost ti je dodijelila blogersku nagradu na mom blogu...ako je želiš podigni je. Zaslužila si sve moguće nagrade...
Malo kasnim ali je čestitka od srca....
Želim tebi i tvojoj porodici...svim tvojim najdražim svu sreću ovog svijeta...Da ste zdravi i sretni ne samo ovu godinu nego i sve ostale...
Lijep pozdrav i veliki cmokić


Maybe he is trying to keep warm! Great shot, full of life!

BaysideLife said...

It's body is so still and it's wings so active. They almost look separate from each other. Poor dear looks cold.

Catherine said...

So fun this picture! The bright orange beak and the feet! I agree with BaysideLife above ~ this sweet bird looks cold. I hope that's not ice at the end of her beak! brrrr...

L. Neusiedler said...

oh, you captured so well the moment! so beautiful!

L. Neusiedler said...
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S. Etole said...

great contrast in the orange and white ... so cold looking

Pietro Brosio said...

You photographed the duck so well! He looks a bit astonished but happy!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

I almost hear the music. Hugs dear friend Meda!

Anonymous said...

I can see that this was a marvelous dance performance.


Neva said...

What a great shot! but he looks cold to me! Sorry to hear about your heavy rains!

myonlyphoto said...

Medam this is so so cool!
Anna :)

SquirrelQueen said...

What a wonderful shot, you caught him at the perfect moment.