Sunday, July 11, 2010

Srebrenica 1995 – 2010

More than 8000 men and boys brutaly killed in Srebrenica in July of 1995. 775 victims of Srebrenica massacre buried today. Fifteen years on and still looking for justice!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I came back and the comment section is there. blogger has been doing weird things in thepast few days.
my thoughts and prayers are with you during this time and I know your heart hurts for your brother and for others in your country.

Arija said...

Man's cruelty to man, to animals, to the Earth itself. . . Will that ever end?

I have missed you. Is everything all right?

Flor said...

I am very sorry!

Beautiful flowers.


Arija said...

Meda, I did not realise you were so directly affected until I read the comment above. I am so sorry. .
the Russians took my father in 1940 when they invaded Latvia. 100,000 people in June alone were either marched into the nearest wood and slaughtered or sent to Siberia. I grieve with you on your day of mourning.

SquirrelQueen said...

Meda, each year at this time must be especially difficult for you and the other families. Hopefully one day justice will be served.

Espresso said...

Sad story :(

Beautiful photos!
One red rose between the white flowers look like a heart...
Greetings from Poland.

BaysideLife said...

Your pictures are beautiful. I agree with Espresso, red among white. The sorrow among the hope. Be well.

MedaM said...


Dear Sandra, you are a person with a big heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every of your friendly comment, for your understanding and every single word that you posted to me. Justice is slow in this world but I believe in God and I know that He judged quickly and fairly. (Hug)


Dear Arija, some things one can never forget. Some things one mustn’t forget. Life goes on and we only have to learn how to live with what happened. As for the mothers of Srebrenica, who survived, their only goal is to find the bones of their loved ones which are still scattered over the hills and forests or secondary graves and of course that the justice is served. I am sorry to hear about your father and I completely understand your feelings. Nobody can understand that better than those who experienced that.
Thank you very much for your friendly comments full of compassion. As for me I am ok, just been very busy lately both at work and home. (Hug)

Thank you very much.
Kisses to you too

Dear friend, thank you very much for your words of compassion. I too hope that one day justice will be served. (Hug)

Thank you very much for your beautiful comment. I do appreciate it a lot. Greetings from Sarajevo.


Thank you my friend from the bottom of my heart. (Hug)

Andrea said...

Justice always arrives.
If not on this World will be more terrible in Another World.
This is what the guilty people must know.
As we know almost all the names,we can be sure God knows them all.

Joanne Olivieri said...

A very sad and unbelievable story.

MedaM said...


I completely agree with you and believe in that. Thank you very much for your comment.

Poetic Shutterburg

Yes, it is unbelievable and it is sad that it is a true life story. Thanks for your comment.

Arija said...

Thank you for your visit my dear. I did not tell you all, my brother, who was a war invalid, lost an arm and a leg, was in the Latvian army protecting our country against the Russian bear. Our army was incorporated i the German army. He spent 2 years in an English P.O.W. camp (they were not very nice to their prisoners), we found him miraculously after he got out but he went back to Latvia.
He was tried for war crimes with witnesses he had never seen in his life and spent 15 years in a Russian concentration camp.
I only got to see him once more before he died.
Thus, your pain is also my pain...

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

So many holocosts around the world and looking for justice. Your flowery tribute is very beautiful.
The Palestinan holocost 1948,when the P. Poeple were expelled from their land and homes and killed has never been aknowledged by the west. What is justice?

myonlyphoto said...

Medam so sad to hear about these things. Thanks for sharing, and this is a beautiful tribute along with excellent photos. Anna :)

Unknown said...

There's always a place in our hearts to remember our loved ones. A sad reminder of the tragic deaths.

Pietro Brosio said...

A terrible and unbelievable story. Your wonderful pictures are really a great tribute.

photowannabe said...

Oh my, this is terrible and so sad. My heart aches for so much cruelty to so many innocent people.

Rick said...

Man's inhumanity to his fellow man. Someday He will judge all those responsible, if they have not turned from their wicked ways. And that day will be much worse than what was experienced here.

May you and all the mothers find peace and comfort.