Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Captured from the car

As always, click on the photos for better view!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

More panorama photos

Saturday morning; view from the terrace of "Park prinčeva" restaurant.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My hometown

The above photos I took from the top of the building that you can see marked in this photo, and this photo I took from the place you can see below.

Sve fotografije sam uslikala sa vrha zgrade koju sam označila na ovoj fotografiji, a ovu sam uslikala sa mjesta koje možete vidjeti u nastavku.

Have a nice weekend to all!

Ugodan vikend svima!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My son's wedding

Big hello to all,

I've been absent for so long as a blogger but it wasn't my intention to be so. It's just happened. I was occupied with some other things; some were nice and some were less nice. The most beautiful out of all is that my older son got married and that happy couple live near us but in their own house which construction was completed only several days before their wedding.

I've missed you all and I hope that I will be able to catch up with your posts soon.

Thank you very much to all of you who didn't forget me. It is wonderful feeling to know that people think of you and care for you. For that reason, big hug and kisses I am especially sending to my dear bloggers: Zondra Art - Rijeka, Sandra, S. Etole, Anna and Titania.

Girls, your messages mean me a lot.

Veliki pozdrav svima,

Dugo sam bila odsutna kao blogerica, ali mi to nije bila namjera. Jednostavno se tako dogodilo. Bila sam okupirana nekim drugim stvarima; neke su bile lijepe, a neke manje lijepe. Najljepša od svih je da se moj stariji sin oženio i da sretni mladenci žive blizu nas ali u njihovoj vlastitoj kući čija je izgradnja završena samo nekoliko dana prije njihovog vjenčanja.

Sve sam vas poželjela. Nadam se da ću biti u mogućnosti da vidim vaše postove što prije.

Veliko hvala svima vama koji me niste zaboravili. Predivan je osjećaj kad znaš da ljudi misle i brinu za tebe. Zbog toga, posebno šaljem veliki zagrljaj i poljupce mojim dragim blogericama: Zondra Art - Rijeka, Sandra, S. Etole, Anna and Titania.

Djevojke, vaše poruke mi puno znače.