Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

My dear blogging friends,

I wish you have time to have fun and to laugh and to be happy.

I wish you have time to treat every day, every hour as a gift.

I wish you have time and chance for doing your jobs.

I wish you have time for thinking not only about yourself, but about others,

about your family, relatives, and neighbors and about friends.

I wish you have time to forgive.

I wish you have time, time to live.

I wish you all and your families’ health, peace, happiness, and prosperity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


LivesArt said...

Hello and Merry Christmas!
Veliki ti pozdrav i sretni blagdani!

Espresso said...

*Merry Christmas*

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Oh, Meda, this is beautiful and it it sos sweet it brought tears to my eyes as i read your wishes for us. and I wish the same thing for you. Merry Christmas and I am so glad i found you in blog land.

Anonymous said...

Iskrene čestitke za Božić i Novu godinu tebi i tvojoj obitelji, puse!

Marie-Jeanne said...

Thanks you for your nice wishes.
Merry Christmas to you!

Flor said...

Merry Christmas to you!!


Viola said...

Hello dear Meda, thanks for your lovely comment! :)

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and your family! :)

All the best for you my friend! :)

Peace & love, Viola! :)

Tatjana said...

Sretan Božić tebi i tvojima,i sve najbolje u ovo blagdansko vrijeme!

arba said...

Draga, sretan božić tebi i tvojoj obitelji. Veliki pozdrav!

photowannabe said...

Thank You Meda. That is my wish too.
May this New Year bring you and your family much happiness and joy.
I love how we can be united by Blogger and be involved in each other's lives.
I so enjoy coming and seeing what you have posted.
Take care

Joe said...

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also Meda.

BaysideLife said...

Happy New Year Meda. May 2012 bring you love, laughter and adventure.

Unknown said...

I have enjoyed your Blogg Photos and comments. I hope for you in the new year, many blessings.

Nely said...

Draga Meda,sve najljepše u Novoj godini puno zdravlja,radosti i svega samo lijepoga želim vam od srca..veliki pozdrav!

i beati said...

Thank you it all goes too fast for me - I want to hold onto it