Friday, January 6, 2012

The Cathedral Church

According to the Julian calendar, Orthodox Christians in my country celebrate
Christmas on 7th January. They celebrate Christmas Eve tonight so
Merry Christmas to them and all Orthodox Christians who celebrate this holiday on this date!

In the photo you can see The Cathedral Church of Nativity of the Theotokos which is located in the center of Sarajevo. It is built in Baroque style between 1863 and 1868.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is spectacular, I would love to see it. have you been inside it? i bet the inside is as beautiful as the outside. the whole picture is lovely to look at, I love the composition of your picture

Viola said...

Dear Meda, what a very beautiful Cathedral! I didn't know that Orthodox Christians in your country celebrate Christmas on 7h January..

What a beautiful picture also! :)

Merry Christmas to all who now are celebrating! :)

Have a nice weekend and thank so much for your comment! ♥

Love and peace
Viola :)

S. Etole said...

What a magnificent cathedral. The lights are so pretty in the foreground.

Snežana said...

Predivna crkva,nekad sam davno bila u njoj :) Hvala za predivnu fotografiju :) pozz from Banjaluka

photowannabe said...

How lovely Meda. I didn't realize that the Orthodox Christians celebrated on Jan. 7th. Its a beautiful cathedral.. Great night-time photo too.
Wishing you a blessed and joyful New Year.

Fikreta said...

Lijepa ova fotografija sa božićno-zimskim ugođajem. Srećan Božić svima koji slave a tebi sve najljepše želje u ovoj godini!

Marie-Jeanne said...

Hi Meda, thanks for stopping by at my blog and taking the time to read some.
I'm glad that you liked the recipe and, in case Google translator didn't work well, please ask me and I will translate it for you.
Take care!

P.S.: very nice shot!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful church.
I went on the internen and saw more beautiful pictures and saw the inside also.