Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Persistent snow

I took these photos on my way to work this morning. It started to snow last evening and what we saw this morning was white snow and blue sky with the sun that was shining brightly.


The Good Life in Virginia said...

oh my...still having snow there. beautiful shots you've taken.
i like the header you have up right now too. cute little birdie on the line.
have a good afternoon.

myonlyphoto said...

Medam firstly I love your new header, so cute. And ohhhh my for the snow. Anna :)

ELK said...

your birdy header is inspiring ~the snow shots dreamy...when will you have spring ?

photowannabe said...

Well Meda, you must be wondering if spring will ever arrive. Beautiful pictures though. Keep smiling the warm sun will come.

Pietro Brosio said...

What fine views, Medam. The snow here is over the 1200m (the ski runs are still working).
Have a nice day!

Lara said...

this is absolutely crazy! what a weather!

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, the sun is coming… :-)

GMG said...

Hi Medam! Sorry for the absence! It has been hard to get some free time... ;)
Incredible! We are having 27º Celsius here and you're catching snow... Amazing! But lovely pictures!

Now, «The Masterpiece» waits you and your comments at Blogtrotter. You shouldn’t miss it, believe me... ;). Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Ash said...

Lovely snow images!!


Great shots! Love the second one, it looks so symmetric! We had snow yesterday, so spring is still on hold it seems, for both of us!

Joy said...

Those are very interesting shapes on the ground, Medam. How did that happen? Gorgeous photos.

Do visit Norwich Daily Photo and explore my Doors and Spring Fresh series.

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman

Max-e said...

Nice shots MedaM, we have a similar situation when summer should be on its way we get cold weather and now when we are on the brink of winter, we are having temperatures of 29C.
It has been nice cating up on your latest posts