Thursday, December 3, 2009

At the very top


Phoenix said...

Jao..draga moja božanstvenih slika.
Malo...malo pa svratim ovdje...
Evo gledam i smijem se ...kako ti imaš oko sokolovo pa vidiš ovako visoko pticu.Ma super mi je slika.
Lijep pozdrav

Xavi said...

With this picture you can see the sensitivity of a person.
Thank you so much.
Have a great weekend.


BaysideLife said...

What a pretty bird. Guess this illustrates what is meant by a "bird's eye view!"

photowannabe said...

That bird has excellent balancing skills. Nice pictures with the beautiful blue sky.

Pietro Brosio said...

What nice pictures! It's amazing to see that bird on the top of the tree!

Arija said...

So beautiful. it looks like a magpi at the top of the tree.

ALEX said...

me gusta medam..muy buenas las España...ese pajaro se llama "urraca"...un abrazo.

GMG said...

Hi Medam! Lovely shots and wonderful blues!!

There is a weird bridge waiting for you at Blogtrotter. Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

Osaid said...

The bird's saying that "to be on top you need to be alone.. ."

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a bird instead of an angel atop a tree that looks like it could be a giant Christmas tree. pretty bird with those black and white markings.

SquirrelQueen said...

I have noticed some of the birds like to be as high as possible, the robins here will do that and sing. Beautiful photos. I agree with Arija that it looks like a magpie.