Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In memoriam

Born January 1, 1959
December 9, 1992 – December 9, 2009

This is in memoriam of my brother who was killed 17 years' ago in the midst of his youth during the siege of Sarajevo.

Time can never erase my love and my dear memories.
He is with me in my heart and my mind always.


Xavi said...

Although you do not know, I'm with your sentiment.
You are a very sensitive person with many feelings.
Have a nice week.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Medam, he was a very handsome young man, and I know you miss him very much. thank you for sharing him with us.

Tammie Lee said...

Oh, how sad. There is so much feeling in this photo, the tenderness in the hands holding the beautiful portrait.
my heart leans towards yours.

Leora said...

He must have been a very special person. May you find comfort.


A wonderful way to honour your brothers memory. He would have been proud of his sweet sister, as you are proud of him.

Catherine said...

A beautiful post full of so much feeling. What a handsome man - love your photo of his photo. Warm thoughts ~

Arija said...

Such a wonderful young man to be lost in his prime. He was born exactly one year after my daughter.
I lost my brother in the second world war, and share your feelings.
It is good to remember those we love.

Anonymous said...

May he continue to rest in peace.


Phoenix said...

Joj draga moja, svaki put se nanovo rastužim. Mislim da nema osobe koja nije izgubila nekog svog u prokletom ratu , ne mogu zamisliti kako je to kad ostaneš bez brata. Sa tobom suosjećam a bratu želim laku zemlju. R.I.P.
S ljubavlju
tvoja sugrađanka

ELK said...

a very sweet image
a heart felt sorry from me

Andrea said...

I will spend sometime watching this picture.
With deep respect.

Pietro Brosio said...

A fine portrait, Medam.
This post is a deep tribute to your beloved brother.

MedaM said...

Xavi, your comment means me a lot. Thank you very much. Have a nice week to you too.

Sandra, he really was a very handsome man but most of all he was a man of a big heart. Thank you very much for your comment.

Tammie Lee, thank you so much for your touching comment. May God bless you!

Leora, yes, he really was a special to me. Thank you very much for your words of comfort.

VALKYRIEN, I appreciate your beautiful words. Thank you.

Catherine, thank you so much for your nice words and your warm thoughts.

Arija, yes, we can share our feelings. My mother lost her father at the end of the Second World War and her son in this last war in my country. Thanks for your comment very much.

Paz, Thank you very much. May God bless you!

Phoenix, moja draga sugrađanko, puno ti hvala na tvojim lijepim riječima. Znaš, ja sam imala samo jednog brata. Samo nas dvoje. Uvijek se ponašao zaštitnički prema meni. Previše je ljubavi i uspomena da bi čovjek mogao zaboraviti. Teško je kad ostaneš bez nekoga ko ti je puno značio a otišao prije vremena. Iako je prošlo 17 godina, nema dana kad ne mislim na njega. Hvala ti još jednom na lijepim riječima i neka te Bog sačuva istog iskustva.

ELK, Thank you very much, you are so dear person.

Andrea, your words touched my heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Pietro, yes it really is. Thank you, Pietro, for your words. I appreciate it a lot.

Bergson said...

Sarajevo has seen many sad events. I understand your pain

The Good Life in Virginia said...

my thoughts are prayers to you my e-friend.
sorry i have not been visiting you of late...much going on.
hugs ((()))

Xavi said...

Hi Meda,
Thank you for your always kind comments.
This is a semi-tropical tree native of South Africa, full of thorns.
Here in Barcelona, blooms in the months of December through February.
See you soon in another post.
Have a great day.


BaysideLife said...

Meda, I am sad for the loss of your brother. To lose one so young is especially difficult leaving us to wonder what he may have accomplished in a longer life. Still you have 33 years of memories. I hope that comforts you.

José luis said...

Hermoso tu gesto, no olvidar a las personas que amamos y tenerlas presentes en nuestra memoria sale del corazón y tu lo tines grande, muy grande, un abrazo Medam.

ALEX said...

Lo siento Medam...tener en recuerdo a personas que amamos es digno...y tener un gran corazón...un abrazo.

MedaM said...

Bergson, What we went through was more than sad events. I don't wish to anybody to experience that. Thank you for your understanding.

The Good Life in Virginia, my dear e-friend, you're wellcome when ever you have time. I too am not able to catch up with all posts of my other blogging friends for which I am sorry. I can understand you. Thank you for your prayers. May God bless you! hugs

Thank you Xavi for your kind and nice explanation. Have a great day to you too!

BaysideLife, we ordinary people use to think about what would have been if it had been, but only God knows the right answer. As for the comforts you are right. But if I told you what else was our comfort I am afraid that would make you even more sad. So it is better not to know.

José luis, Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Esto significa muchísimo.

MedaM said...

ALEX,I appreciate a lot your friendly words. Thank you!

myonlyphoto said...

Medam this is very beautiful tribute to your brother. You must have had a very special relationship with him. Anna.

L. Neusiedler said...

May he rest in peace! And may wars never happen again!

Unknown said...

Sad times remembered. May he rest in peace.

DeniseinVA said...

MedaM I am so very sorry for your loss. This was a loving and sweet tribute to your dear brother, as was the one in the other link shown below your post. I know he will always be missed. Many blessings to his memory and to you for showing and sharing your love of him.

SquirrelQueen said...

A very handsome man, his eyes are so kind and gentle. I am so sorry MedaM for your loss, you must miss him greatly.

photowannabe said...

What a handsome young man and I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree that time can't erase your love and memories.

Brigitte said...

Se souvenir pour que jamais cela ne revienne ! Je vous adresse toute ma compassion.