Monday, January 10, 2011

Vlašić Mountain

Second day of January was foggy in the city so my husband and I decided to run away to Vlašić Mountain to enjoy the sun and fresh mountain air. But, to our surprise it was foggy up there too. All the beauty of this really beautiful mountain was hidden by the fog. I hoped to show you some of that beauty; but, maybe some other time.



Fog or not: you still managed to take som pretty photos! I like the first one, the buildings are so different from the houses in Norway - beautiful!

And then I will wish you a happy new year! I haven't done that! :)

Anonymous said...

I kod tebe su danas planine tema:)
Prekrasne su tvoje fotografije Vlašića, na žalost nisam nikad bila tamo. Ali na ovaj način kao da i jesam. Ponekad ni sami ne znamo kakve ljepote postoje oko nas, u našoj blizini. Velika je sreća da postoje ljudi kao što si ti zaljubljenici u dobru fotografiju koji vide onu pravu ljepotu koju većina površno promatra.
Pusa i veliki pozdrav draga Meda.
P.S. Ovo je bio komentar:))
Oprosti na maloj slobodi:)

Unknown said...

Meda, I'm looking forward to seeing the mountain's without the fog. Your photo's are beautiful, I like the first one of the street scene. I hope when you make your next trip you get clear weather.
Thanks for sharing.

jubistacha said...

Nisam znala da je na Vlašiću tako lijepo. I još tako blizu, morat ću se jednom zaletit do tamo :)
Kada prođe snijeg :)

Tracy said...

The fog brings a mystery to the is very beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

Joe said...

Foggy but still oh so beautiful.

TexWisGirl said...

That first photo looked like it should be in a travel magazine or a post card. :)

S. Etole said...

I like that woodpile and the warmth it will provide.

arba said...

Prekrasne su planine u tvom kraju, nadam se da ću imati prilike ponovno uživati u njima...

kostas said...

Wonderful place!
Happy New Year.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I really like the shot of the logs and they are all beautiful. i enlarged the first one and the children look like they are having a lot of fun and it does not matter to them if it was foggy.

Lilly... said...

Prekrasno! Imam sad osjećaj da sam stvarno tamo. Fotografije su divne! Budući da si me već ranije putem fotografija namamila u Sarajevo, onda će bit red da kad me put nanese ondje skoknem i do Vlašića! Stvarno prava idila! Pusa!

Pietro Brosio said...

I enjoy all these beautiful photos, Medam. Nice the colorful village, the fog, the working skylift!

Phoenix said...

Pregledala slike, pročitala post,pročitala ove komentare i mogu samo potvrditi sve gore što je rečeno u komentarima.
Zaista ih napraviš kao razglednice...Super!!!
Je li tebi nešto plaća turistička zajednica BiH...ako ne plaća, trebala bi...:))

photowannabe said...

I think this is quite lovely inspite of the fog. Lets just say, the fog gives everything character. My favorite is the cut firewood against the stone house. Very lovely.

Arija said...

I love your foggy mountain. The first shot like a Breugel painting and the beautifully stacked wood, the snow covered firs looming up as you drive by. Sunlit mountains one can see on a tourist brochure but this gives the real feel of the place.

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Amazing landscape and gorgeous photos!

salwar said...

Really Creative photography..

LR Photography said...

I can say great winter! Excellent Meda!

L. Neusiedler said...

wonderful winter images!

myonlyphoto said...

Wow factor for these, its like winter wonderland Medam. Anna :)