Thursday, August 30, 2007


Grasshopper on my son’s thumb!


Anonymous said...

That is very nice. I like your photograph. Yesterday I saw a grasshopper and it jumped or flew into a tree trunk and when I approached to take its picture it moved around behind the tree trunk so I was not able to see it. So I put my camera on the other side of the tree trunk and snapped its picture and it came out nice. It seemed afraid to have its picture taken.

Your grasshopper seems content to pose on your son's finger. Nice photograph.

And thank you for stopping at my blog and for the comment you left there. I so much appreciate it.

Wolfgang said...

Quite a coincidence that we from also post a grashopper today! Lovely photo!

Andrea said...

I like very much this kind of pictures:simple,easy and if you like you can think a lot...

Anonymous said...

haha, skakavci su po meni jedni najljepsi insekti. ja ih slikam kada mogu. slika ja kao i uvije predivna. prijatno


photowannabe said...

How nice that the grasshopper posed for you. He's quite tiny isn't he?